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  • Thursday, July 21, 2011
    mari,kita buka dan lembutkan hati kita :)

    Forgive me Allah For the wrongs I have done. For anger, I shouldn't have Against anyone. I know I'm weak Allah, But I love You, I really do, And in spite of my weakness, I know You love me too. Forgive me for not reading Your word, And for the times that I stray. Forgive me for just being too tired When I don't take the time to pray. Give me the strength, Oh! Allah, to do what I should each day. Let Your love shine through me So others will follow Your way. Even though I've failed You Allah, I know You'll forgive me, And this I promise Allah, A better Muslim I will be. For Your presence is in me Filling my heart with Your love, And I have Your reassurance You're guiding from above. I love You Allah, and thank You For the blessings You bestow, I will tell others about You So Your goodness they too, will know.

    it's nice to be home

    Tuesday, July 19, 2011

    warning : ini langsung xde kena mengena dengan title.i just happened to be clueless on what to put for the title,so i just randomly put something that was inside my head at that moment,and,there you go 'it's nice to be home' :)

    i've been thinking
    as we grow up,
    we tend to see what we never happened to see before, 
    our mistakes, 
    our sins, 
    all that really matters to us.

     Ya Allah, jika esok aku masih hidup, jadikanlah aku hambaMu yang lebih beriman, lebih bersyukur,lebih sabar dan lebih baik dari hari ini.

    lol,warning lagi panjang dari isi kandungan.bhaha! :)
    Sunday, July 10, 2011

    so close yet so far kan?
    xpela,tengok jauh jauh senyap senyap sudah la :)

    hilarious xD

    Friday, July 1, 2011
    funny,betul betul kelakar bila buka buka je facebook,nampak notification rafidah tagged a picture of me
    then buka gambar tu,nampak gambar hafiz hamidun
    baca baca komen,rupa nya kawan dia cakap muka ak macam hafiz hamidun
    sumpah kelakar.haha xD

    i mean,dia orang kedua dalam hidup ak cakap muka ak macam hafiz.haha
    before this dah ada sorang cakap ak macam hafiz and sebab tu la ak kenal dengan dia
    dah lama,waktu form 3 dulu,and now tiba tiba muncul lagi sorang perempuan cakap macam tu 
    and,yeah,i find it funny,lol :D