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  • complicated

    Monday, December 13, 2010
    ak x suka benda complicated
    ak suka benda yg simple je
    erm,x :(
    honestly,ak suka dealing dengan things yg complicated
    things yang susah
    benda ni buat darah ak mendidih,buat ak jadi excited gila2
    bila ak berhadapan dengan benda yg lagi complicated or lagi susah,ak jadi lagi2 excited
    contoh simple,exam,bila dah tw soalan susah,ak ckp dekat orang lain,takut,risau,but in fact,ak gila2 excited nak jawab soalan yg kononnya susah tu!
    dan lagi la bila buka soalan,tgk2 memang susah gila!xtw kenapa,tapi ak x takut,x cuak,cuma ak jadi lagi excited adalah
    i like to think and i love to make deductions
    dulu ak selalu main online detective deductions
    kadang kadang bila ak fikir something tapi x dapat,ak tukar,ak fikir secara terbalik pulak
    but there is something yg dah happened,yg buat ak memberontak and set kat kepala ak
    ak x suka things yg complicated
    complicated nye akk?!

    btw,alhamdulillah,parents kepada kedua dua kawan ak,uyuun dan hafizie syahman dah selamat pulang setelah menjadi tetamu Allah.uyuun mesti happy kan sebab dah lama x jumpa parents,dah la lama,jauh pulak tu!huhu,i'm happy for you!


    -I like a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about besides homework-


    1. fawwaz afiq said...: This comment has been removed by the author.
    1. - said...:

      haha, fawwaz! baru bace, haha. thanks! :D
      sy pun gembira. hehehe. nak balik rumah cpat!

    1. fawwaz afiq said...:

      you're welcome! xD
      ouhh,yes cepat balik,sy tunggu kat im 2 ni
      haha xD

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