Lets write
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Assalamualaikum and hi to all readers.
Dah lama sangat tak update blog ni!
Cik Siti Sarah dah banyak kali suruh updata blog, nak baca katanya but, well, i was lazy =P
However tonight i'm feeling a little bored so i might as well do some writing to get rid of the boredom. :)
The things i want to talk tonight is about my fifth semester -
what i have gone through and how awesome it was.
The first one is about my everyday life!
During my 5th sem, i lived alone in the hostel while all my close friends lived outside.
The idea of living alone without friends should make everyone feels bored but i was not!
This is because despite living far from friends, i still have my precious, Cik Siti Sarah binti Azmi. :P
She stayed just next to my hostel, Duyung B while i stayed at Duyung A.
We keep each other company everyday ! We went to class together, we had breakfast, lunch and dinner together, went to test together, study together. So yeah, we pretty much did everything together !
The thought of going even just a day without her is just very sad and weird.
Well, call me a clingy boyfriend or whatsoever, i don't mind. :P
Honestly,this is the highlight of my fifth semester :)
The next thing i wanna talk about is about the activities i joined during the 5th sem.
The first one is Sukan Antara Fakulti (SAF).
SAF is a sport competition where each faculty will compete with each other and the faculty with the highest point wins.
To be honest, i don't want to get involve with this at all but due to the lack of people in my faculty, EVERYONE has to participate in at least one competition.
I choosed to take part in MERDEKA MARCH and LARIAN SAF.
Merdeka march held at night, around 8pm to 12 am in order to celebrate the opening ceremony of SAF and Malaysian Independence Day.
Larian saf is a 7km marathon which is held early in the morning.
My faculty
won the 3rd place in Merdeka march and i lost in the larian saf but hey ! at least i cleared it :P
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Sikit gila yang datang.haha! |
The next one is industrial visit to Malayan Adhesive and Chemical @ Shah Alam.
The visit is compulsory for one of my subject which is chemical reaction engineering.
The purpose of the visit is to look and observe in detail on how do the reactors operate.
Here are some pictures from the trip!
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dalam bus! |
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tumpang hostel di UKM Bangi |
The third one is Thesis Proposal Defence!
First of all, what you need to know is, us Diploma Chemical Engineering students doesn't have any work practical courses, but we have to do a final year project instead.
Is it an individual project and each person is given one supervisor.
I'm lucky i get a great supervisor.
I mean, she is open to all of my opinions and she let me choose my own title for my project.
After some discussion with her, i decided to make an adsorbate.
My project title is 'Adsorption of Remazol Red 3BS Dye with Treated Sugarcane Bagasse with Formaldehyde and Sulphuric acid'.
A little introduction on my project : Korang tahu x pasal industri textile? Okay kita ambil satu contoh, salah satu hasil industri ini adalah kain batik. Tahu tak macam mana kain batik itu di proses sebelum dapat corak corak dan warna warna yang fancy dan cantik tu? Salah satu proses yang akan akan dilalui oleh kain itu ada DYEING. Kain itu akan di celup dengan air warna(dye) sehingga dapat warna yg di inginkan. Selepas itu air warna tersebut akan di buang ke dalam longkang atau sungai. Ini akan menyebab kan pencemaran kerana dye ini, walaupun kuantiti nya sedikit tapi pencemaran nya jelas kita boleh nampak. Jadi dalam project ini, aku akan menggunakan hampas tebu untuk membaiki air air yang tercemar dek oleh dye tersebut. Hampas tebu itu akan di proses dgn chemicals ( formaldehyde dan sulphuric acid ) dan selepas itu akan di gunakan untuk menyerap dye dye di dalam air yang tercemar itu.
Haa, that is a little introduction on my final year project.
So next sem i will be struggling to finish this project but what comes next is harder, the thesis writing!
Lastly the thing i wanna talk about is my 5th semester result!
My 5th result was, well to me, was disappointing.
I expected it to be higher but, i reap what i sow :P
However the good news is, we both ( sarah and i ) get dean list again this sem !
I'm so happy for it !
One more dean list and i'll get Anugerah Naik Canselor :)
So here is my result!
and sadly, B+ for unit operation too.
The subject was hard, really really really hard but i have confidence in myself, i thought i can get an A for it. Oh well, too bad :/
Gotta do better for next sem, afterall next sem is the last sem!
Next sem kita belajar sama sama and dapat dekan sama sama lagi ye cik siti sarah :)
So thats all for tonight.
Dah panjang rasanya aku menulis ni so congrats to all the people who managed to read until this far. hahaha. See you again in the next entry.
Selamat malam, may peace be upon you !